Elementary School Bulletin
February 2025
12 - COUNT DAY - Bring your kids to school today so we can COUNT them.
21 - Half Day/PDD
March 2025
14 - Half Day/End of 3rd MP
28 - Half Day
31 - No School/Spring Break (through April 4)
April 2025
7 - School Resumes
18 - No School/Good Friday
25 - Half Day/PDD
Cass City Elementary had students participating in the Saginaw Diocese Spelling Bee this past weekend. They all showed a very good performance.
2nd Place - Elizabeth Blackstock
5th Place Aubrey Boyce
7th Place Jerry Crandall
9th Place Brayden Konczal
Elizabeth Blackstock is now invited to attend the State Finals which would be held in Essexville, Michigan.
Dear family/guardians:We are seeing increased cases of Influenza A and B, Covid, strep throat and stomach flu withinthe elementary and JR/SR high schools. Please remind your child/children to wash their hands,of sneezing into the elbow, and not to share water bottles with peers. Also, we have back packCovid tests available for students, if you want a Covid test, please contact the school.
This week's SOAR winners are...
K- Emmett Spencer & Taylor Harper
1- TayLynn Gonzales & Blair Ball
2- Jaxon Mulrath & Sawyer Kappen
3- Alice Forth & Nyla Beems
4- Grady Laurie & Callan Wilson
5- Case Gerber & Kayden Rychlewski
6- Brayden Merchant & Ava Dorland
Cass City Soccer will be holding its Spring registration February 26th from 3-7 in the Elementary Cafeteria. The cost is $40 on the night of registration. After the night of registration the cost will be $45 and registration will end March 7th.
Any Questions, Contact: Becky 989-550-1115
Caitlyn 989-780-0372
Cass City Elementary will now be serving Hot Breakfast on Tuesday's and Thursday's. A couple samples of hot breakfast are: Breakfast Pizza and Pancakes and Sausage. Cereal Kits WILL NOT be offered on the hot breakfast days. Remember breakfast starts at 7:35 and ends at 7:50. Have your children arrive early enough so they can finish breakfast before heading to their classroom. Students must be in their seats at 8:00 am
Breakfast will be served starting at 7:35 a.m. each morning. Non breakfast students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m.. Non breakfast students will not be allowed in the building until 7:50 a.m. There is no supervision until 7:35.
School starts at 8:00 a.m.
Once again, parents will not be allowed to walk their child to the classroom in the morning. If anyone needs to come into the building they must report to the office.
Student's will be dismissed at 3:08 p.m..
If you have any busing questions please call the Bus Garage at 989-872-5618.