Elementary School Bulletin
This week's SOAR winners are...
K- Nova Hiser & Kaitlyn Elwood
1st- Morgan Speirs & Charli Hunley
2nd- Abhi Prabaharan & Liya Blackmer
3rd- Karter Scherret & Brielle Zimba
4th- Eli Reinke & Emma Urchick
5th- Ashley Palmer & Brayden Whited
6th- Emmery Moyer & Owen Jaworski
Monday, December 16
1st & 2nd 9:00 am
Y5 & K 2:00 pm
Tuesday, December 17
3rd & 4th 9:00 am
Please see the attached notice from our nurse on symptoms you should be aware of for Respiratory and other illnesses.
The Rotary Club of Cass City is looking for a host family for our Youth Exchange student from Belgium. This is about a 3 1/2 month commitment starting after Christmas. If you have ever wanted to experience learning about another country this is an easy opportunity. Contact Ruth Steele at [email protected]
Or Debra Kranz at [email protected] to learn more about the program.
November 2024
5 - Retake Picture Day
14 - Half Day/Parent/Teacher Conferences
15 - No School
27-29 - No School/Thanksgiving Break
December 2024
20 - Half Day of School/End of 2nd Marking Period
23 - Holiday Break
January 2025
6 - School Resumes
17 - Half Day/PDD
31 - Half Day
Cass City Elementary will now be serving Hot Breakfast on Tuesday's and Thursday's. A couple samples of hot breakfast are: Breakfast Pizza and Pancakes and Sausage. Cereal Kits WILL NOT be offered on the hot breakfast days. Remember breakfast starts at 7:35 and ends at 7:50. Have your children arrive early enough so they can finish breakfast before heading to their classroom. Students must be in their seats at 8:00 am
Breakfast will be served starting at 7:35 a.m. each morning. Non breakfast students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m.. Non breakfast students will not be allowed in the building until 7:50 a.m. There is no supervision until 7:35.
School starts at 8:00 a.m.
Once again, parents will not be allowed to walk their child to the classroom in the morning. If anyone needs to come into the building they must report to the office.
Student's will be dismissed at 3:08 p.m..
If you have any busing questions please call the Bus Garage at 989-872-5618.